Easter Egg Potato Stamp

Easter Egg Potato Stamp
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Potato stamping is so much fun! These stamps are simple to make and great for kids to use. You probably have potatoes at home already, so it’s easy to get started and no fancy supplies are necessary.  

Here’s what you need to make Easter egg potato stamps:

  • oval shaped potatoes
  • sharp kitchen knifes – adults should handle the sharp knifes and do the cutting
  • paint in different colors – non-toxic for kids
  • small paint brushes
Easter egg potato stamp
Pick a nice oval shaped potato – Split in half lengthwise – Carve the desired shapes – Apply paint – Stamp!


Easter egg potato stamps are so easy to make:

1. Split the potato in half lengthwise with a sharp kitchen knife. Make sure you cut straight through. The surface that you use for stamping should be even to make neat stamps on your craft project. 


2. Carve out the parts that you wish to leave without paint. To make different shapes the easy way you could use small cookie cutters or vegetable cutters. 


3. Apply paint on the carved side of the potato. To apply paint you can use paint brushes or just use your finger. Kids can do the stamping and with safe non-toxic washable paint you don’t need to worry about making a mess or kids putting paint covered fingers in their mouths. 

Let’s get creative!

You can create any kind of Easter egg stamp you like. Practice with a couple potato halves and you’ll get really good at this. We tried all sorts of patterns with knives and chopsticks and the bunny stamps turned out to be the cutest. 


We made Easter greeting cards with these stamps and added a bit of cotton to make tiny bunny tails. They turned out so cute! 


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